Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the following lockdowns and stay & work from home situations, the concept of Overthinking has gained popularity. Moreover, now and then, I find the gen-z people (and even me sometimes) replying to “What you doing?
Nov 2021
Alright, so this is going to be quite a short entry. A few days back, a friend of mine and I were talking about books. We were discussing the books that we have read.
May 2021
Right, so this isn’t a well-planned blog. I just wanted to write something up, and this idea popped into my head while guessing the mid-term’s syllabus with one of my friends.
Mar 2021
Hey! So you must be wondering, “What the hell is e ˣ doing in the title? It must be a scientific article!” Well, to put your mind at ease, this is not an article about the hidden beauty of e ˣ (although that would be an excellent one :P).
Aug 2020